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Handling of personal information.

koyo giken Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “ koyo giken”) recognizes that there is a serious responsibility for the handling of personal information collected through its website, and will endeavor to comply with laws and regulations related to personal information, etc., and to use them appropriately and safely in accordance with the following policies related to the protection of personal information.

1.Collection of personal information.We may ask you to provide us with your personal information in some contents (inquiries, etc.).
In such a case, we clearly indicate the intended use of the personal information to be provided in advance, and you provide the information within the appropriate range with the consent of the customer.

2.Management of personal information.We strive to ensure and improve security and strictly manage personal information in accordance with relevant laws, guidelines to prevent leakage, tampering, loss, and use outside the scope of the purpose.
n addition, we sometimes outsource part of our business management and operation to our subcontractors in order to enhance our services. In doing so, we also ensure that our subcontractors are properly managed to prevent the outflow of personal information and unauthorized access.

3.Disclosure of personal information to a third party.We do not disclose your personal information to any third party other than the subcontractor without obtaining your consent.
However, if we are ordered to disclose or submit in accordance with laws and regulations, or if we are requested to disclose it by a public agency such as the court or the police, we may disclose your personal information without your consent.

4.Inquiries regarding personal information.We will respond appropriately if you request to inquire, change, or correct your own personal information by contacting the contact information displayed on this site.
At that time, we may confirm that you are the person in question in order to prevent unauthorized acquisition of personal information by a third party.

5.Compliance with relevant laws and regulations.We will comply with applicable laws and internal regulations related to personal information.

6.Revision of privacy policy.Our privacy policy may revise the content of the description in order to respond to changes in business contents and revisions of laws, regulations, and other standards.
If the revision is important to the customer, we will inform you in advance at this site.

For inquiries regarding personal information.Please contact us for inquiries regarding the handling of our personal information.

koyo giken Inc.

2-7-6 Hashimotodai,Midori-ku, Sagamihara-City Kanagawa-Pref. JAPAN 252-0132

TEL : +81-42-770-4306